
Welcome to our Baking Blond Blog!

Nancy and Terri have been friends for about a year and a half and met on Pinterest. We have met some amazing people on Pinterest as well. We decided that our love for food, cooking, and baking, we would share our recipes with all of you!


I’m Nancy, I live in Michigan near Lake Michigan and all the wonderful orchards. I’m not going to admit just how many years I have been baking and cooking but it’s more than a few! I not only plan on sharing many great recipes but tips to make it as easy as possible. I cook from scratch and use very few pre-made items. I love visiting farmer’s markets!


I’m Terri, and live in Southern California. I have lived in CA all my whole life. I’m definitely a native to SoCal. I am an RN working nights, and on my days off, I love to spend time on Pinterest and cooking for my family. I have always loved to cook and have always “cooked for an army.” Being able to share my love of cooking with everyone has been only a dream until now!

We both are so happy that you have stopped by and hope that you enjoy all of the delicious recipes that are shared here on our blog.

9 thoughts on “About

    • That’s so nice of you to say! Thank you! I might suggest, just save recipes from the blog to your Pinterest boards…that’s why we are including the Pinterest pictures right on the blog.

    • Thank you Shaun! I’m glad you are loving our blog! We are working really hard to bring wonderful and delicious recipes from our kitchen to yours! Thank you for your comment, we really appreciate the feedback! ~ Terri

    • Thank you Orion! We really do hope everyone enjoy’s what we create. I hope you follow the blog and we are hoping that everyone shares and repins our Pinterest photo’s. We thought it would be nice to save everyone’s time and offer the Pinterest ready pins. I have cooked and baked forever. I had a deli for a few years too, that was fun! Nancy

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